Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hershey takes it Outside!

A month without a post or concept? Wow! Sorry everyone for the lack of content. I've just been crazy busy with everything! But my finals are done with and now I've just got some down time to relax and enjoy this beautiful Colorado snow! Unfortunately still no hockey though. Let's get to the concept!

Hershey Bears Outdoor Classic Concept
Hershey's new look is absolutely gorgeous! I love their logos and always love a brown color scheme. I really thought that their Outdoor Classic jersey would be a cream colored jersey but they rolled this out instead. Here's my idea. A cream jerseys (considering it's actually in their color plate!) with chocolate brown accents and equipment. I wanted to keep the whole design very simplistic, clean, and classic. Not much more to say, but I think the Bears would look really great in some uni's like these. I'd love to hear your feedback!

Thanks for stopping by and Happy Holidays!!!


  1. This is the most perfect jersey I have ever seen for a team. I was fortunate enough to see Hershey's new "chocolate" uniforms in person this season when they made the trip to Hartford and these would be the perfect alternate to compliment their new look. I do like their current ones also.

  2. Waaayyy better than what they've put together for the outdoor game. Some design people should visit blogs like this one from time to time...

  3. Forget "Outdoor Classic" this should be their third jersey
